Performance of Index vs Active Portfolios (15 years ending 31Dec98)


Here is a 15-year performance comparison between portfolios comprised of the median (half did better, half did worse) actively managed funds versus similarly weighted portfolios of index products (minus an "MER" of 0.90%)

The data came from the Financial Post's 15-year mutual fund review for the period ending 31Dec98.

15-year Performance of Indexed vs. Managed Portfolios (31Dec98)
Asset Class Indexed 15-yr CAR(1) Median Managed 15-yr CAR Difference (Managed - Indexed)
TSE 100 TR - Canadian Equity 8.9 9.1 0.2
SCM Bond Universe - Can Bonds 11.0 10.4 -0.6
S&P 500 - US Equity 15.0 13.6 -1.4
MSCI EAFE - Global Equity 13.5 10.7 -2.8
increasing Canadian Equity      
20/40/20/20 (2) 11.9 10.8 -1.0
30/40/15/15 11.3 10.5 -0.8
40/40/10/10 (3) 10.8 10.2 -0.6
increasing US Equity      
20/40/20/20 11.9 10.8 -1.0
15/40/30/15 12.3 11.2 -1.0
10/40/40/10 12.6 11.6 -1.1
increasing Global Equity      
20/40/20/20 11.9 10.8 -1.0
15/40/15/30 12.0 10.8 -1.3
10/40/10/40 12.2 10.7 -1.5
(1) CAR means Compounded Annual Return; Indexed CAR is net of 0.90% MER
(2) 20/40/20/20 means 20% Can eq, 40% Can bond, 20% US eq, 20% global eq
(3) typical Canadian RRSP-eligible balanced fund (median 15-yr CAR ~9.2%)


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