Archived Articles • 2001 | ||||||||||||||||||||
December 2001Have they learned nothing? [LA Times, 31Dec01] Vanguard polled its 401(k) (like a group RRSP DC) pension plan investors and found that many still have unrealistic expectations about future market returns.Nearly one-fourth of respondents expect stock prices to rise 30% to 100% a year over the next two decades--in line with the results of public-opinion surveys from the height of the late-1990s bull market. Even the respondents' median forecast of 15% annual gains is well above historical stock market returns, which have averaged 10.7% a year since 1926. (Median means half the forecasts were higher and half were lower.) Experts say the optimistic responses indicate that, for some investors, the euphoria of the bull market that crashed in the spring of 2000 still lingers. Novel ways to give to charity [Globe & Mail, 22Dec01] We spend the rest of the year accumulating wealth. Now is a good time to consider some tax-efficient ideas on how to share with those who are less fortunate. Piecing together the retirement puzzle [Financial Post, 22Dec01] Jon Chevreau reviews The Pension Puzzle, a new book by Bruce Cohen and Brian Fitzgerald. This is essential reading for any Canadian who wants to learn about pension plans, including CPP/OAS, RRSPs and private DB/DC plans. Ten Things Your Financial Planner Won't Tell You [SmartMoney, 18Dec01] Not all planners are dangerous to your financial health. Here are some tips to help you separate the good ones from the charlatans. The Lifetime Cost of Money Management [Scott Burns, 18Dec01] "Your money can be managed by a Mensa member with perfect Sunday School attendance--- but if he charges 200 basis points to manage your money, the lifetime cost is higher than our highest [US] Federal tax rate. It will cost you millions of dollars and years of income."
Jack Bogle, Man on a Mission [, 17Dec01] Jack Bogle stays the course trying to save our money from the croupiers.
Real Return Bonds for Canadian Dummies [14Dec01] A handy reference for anyone interested in Government of Canada Real Return Bonds. Includes a brief description of how they work, frequently-asked questions and answers, many links to related information, and a short glossary. Unhitch your fund's trailer fees [Financial Post, 13Dec01] Don't get fogged by smoke and mirrors as fund companies rush to F class shares and actively-managed ETFs. Whether it's called a trailer, a wrap, or an advisory fee, an extra 1% a year will eat a big hole into your portfolio. If you need the service then by all means pay for it. But understand what you're paying for, make sure you get value for money, and be careful that you don't end up paying it twice. Understanding the Tax Implications of Exchange Traded Funds [BGI Canada, Dec01] The impact of taxes is an important factor in evaluating and selecting investments. A memorandum prepared by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP summarizes the key tax implications of ETFs for Canadian individuals. Mr. Buffett on the Stock Market - Redux [ Fortune, 10Dec01] An update on Warren Buffet's famous essay of November 1999. Hamburgers are cheaper than they were in 1999, but they're not yet on sale.
Buy this fund and pay me more [Financial Post, 07Dec01] Yet more schemes for putting an adviser's interests ahead of their client's:
The Wisdom of Investment–The Folly of Speculation [BFMRC, 05Dec01] Whether you rely on elaborate academic proofs or simply consider that "costs matter," investing in broadly diversified index funds is the winner's game. In Jack Bogle's view,
Shift in CIBC focus puts whizz in closet [Financial Post, 05Dec01] If you're wondering how CIBC's purchase of Talvest (let alone Merrill Lynch Canada!) fits into Ted Cadsby's message about low cost indexing, read this and cringe.
Strategies for cutting through the hype [National Post, 05Dec01] "As Canadians brace for the annual RRSP season, there are two themes investors should use to cut through the inevitable hype and clutter. They are asset allocation and costs." No free lunch with funds [Financial Post, 01Dec01] Mutual fund MERs range from under 0.3% to over 3%. Over an investor's lifetime they can consume as much as 60% of your assets.
Going Extinct: An ETF Roundtable [FundLibrary, 29Nov01] An edifying discussion among several Canadian indexing and ETF luminaries. Portfolio Risk In Dollar Cost Averaging Jeopardizes Retirement [DirectAdvice, Nov01] Frank Armstrong questions the conventional wisdom that DCA works best in volatile markets because it lets you buy more low. "Not so. In fact, volatility - or risk - is the enemy of any wealth accumulation program. And investors who take excessive risks, in pursuit of illusory gains, may only wind up broke in the long run." The New Investment Frontier [25Nov01] Bylo reviews Howard Atkinson and Donna Green's new book on ETF investing for Canadians. Financial products on the cheap [Globe & Mail, 24Nov01] A handy directory of low-cost, online banking and brokerge services available to Canadians and ABCs of picking funds start with MERs [Globe & Mail, 27Nov01] provides an incomplete summary of low-cost mutual funds. (Hey Rob, how about PH&N for the active-management crowd, or CIBC's MER rebate for inveterate indexers?)
One on One with Gus Sauter [Investment News, 19Nov01] Vanguard's indexing guru on why actively-managed funds as a group can't outperform in a bear market any more than they can in a bull market:
Risk and Expected Return [, 20Nov01] Superb stock market gains of the second half of the 20th century imply that future expected returns will be much more modest.
Three Odysseys [BFMRC, 15Nov01] The Long Adventurous Journeys of the Stock Market, the Mutual Fund Industry, and Vanguard
The Road Less Travelled [, 14Nov01] More evidence that low cost indexing beats active management the vast majority of the time and that the few funds that do manage to outperform rarely do so for long. Don't Give Up on Index Funds [Washington Post, 11Nov01] Believing that active managers can stem losses during a bear market is "the biggest urban myth since the alligators in the sewers of New York City," said John Woerth, a spokesman for Vanguard...While about half of actively managed funds are beating the index this year, for 10 years the average drops to 25 percent, according to Morningstar. For the decade that ended Oct. 31, actively managed funds averaged a 10.9 percent annualized return, Morningstar said, but the S&P 500 returned 12.8 percent. Mutual Fund Industry Wants it Both Ways [Fund Library, 07Nov01], A surprising salvo on MERs [Financial Post, 08Nov01] and Outrage builds over fund fees [Financial Post, 13Nov01] "Consumers should be outraged" at discount brokers who continue to sell only A-class shares of mutual funds to DIY investors in order to "earn" an up-to 1% trailer fee while providing none of the "advice, wisdom, counsel, and guidance" for which that fee is supposed to pay. TD to unveil two additions to ETF club [Financial Post, 08Nov01] and New ETFs to be available soon [Globe & Mail, 08Nov01] "TD Asset Management is preparing to launch two exchange-traded mutual funds over the next two months, based on new indexes to be unveiled today by Dow Jones, the head of the bank's mutual fund arm said. The two new indexes, dubbed the Dow Jones Topcap Canada Value and Topcap Canada Growth will be the first of their kind in Canada." The Problems with Monte Carlo Simulation [Journal of Financial Planning, Nov01] "explores the reasons why implementing Monte Carlo simulation is very difficult at best and can lead to incorrect decisions at worst. The problem is that the typical assumption set used in Monte Carlo simulation assumes normal distributions and correlation coefficients of zero, neither of which are typical in the world of financial markets." In Such Turbulent Market Conditions, It's Important to Control Your Portfolio [Wall Street Journal, 04Nov01 if link has expired, search Archive for "clements" then select Nov. 4] First establish an asset allocation with which you're comfortable. Then rebalance to your target allocation by selling "high" and buying "low." TIPS and Retirement Withdrawal Rates [Scott Burns, 04Nov01] Real return bonds let you increase your safe withdrawal rate by ½% to 1% according to John Greaney's analysis, The 4% Withdrawal in Bad Times.
Three Challenges of Investing [Bogle Financial Markets Research Center, 21Oct01] On active management, market efficiency, and selecting managers:
As a group, active managers will fall short of the index return by the exact amount of the costs that they incur. The central fact of investing, then, is this simple proposition: Investment success is defined by the allocation of financial market returns—stocks, bonds, and money market instruments alike—between investors and financial intermediaries. Gross return minus cost equals net return. If the data we have available to us do not reflect that self-evident truth, well, the data are wrong.
Seeking a Cure for Portfolio Pain? Try Some Perspective [Vanguard, 30Oct01] Vanguard Chairman John Brennan advises investors to know thyself, ignore headline noise and stay the course.
Ottawa clamps down on tax havens [Investment Executive, Oct01] Thanks in part to last year's campaign, the new rules that govern the taxation of foreign mutual funds, ETFs and other trusts won't apply to US-based funds and stocks.
Independent advisers may be worth the fees [Toronto Star, 26Oct01] Fee-only advisers "want to be paid for their time, rather than burying the cost in commissions for product sales. That's good for clients who insist on advice with no hidden agendas."
Three Challenges of Investing [Bogle Financial Markets Research Center, 21Oct01] On active management, market efficiency, and selecting managers:
As a group, active managers will fall short of the index return by the exact amount of the costs that they incur. The central fact of investing, then, is this simple proposition: Investment success is defined by the allocation of financial market returns—stocks, bonds, and money market instruments alike—between investors and financial intermediaries. Gross return minus cost equals net return. If the data we have available to us do not reflect that self-evident truth, well, the data are wrong. Perfect time to realize tax losses [Financial Post, 20Oct01] As painful as this year's stock market losses may be there's a silver lining -- especially if you have capital gains from the previous three tax years. The trouble with ETFs [Globe & Mail, 20Oct01] is that they (and indexing) seem to get undeserved bad press in down markets. Where Are the Markets Headed Over the Next 10-Year Period? [Wall Street Journal, 14Oct01 if link has expired, search Archive for "clements" then select Oct. 14] "It's really bizarre that so much ink and air are devoted to next month and next year, when what really matters are returns over the next generation." And the outlook for the next 10 years isn't all that rosy. The Myth About Cross-Border Trades [National Post, 06Oct01] U.S. laws do protect Canadians with accounts south of the border.
The Index Fund Advantage: Low-Cost Passive Investing [AAII, Oct01] A nice summary of why indexing is a good way to get rich slowly.
Our future stock shock: Not so great expectations [Scott Burns, 09Sep01] Some alternative investment suggestions in an era of reduced expected stock returns.
Vanguard founder takes aim at 'perverse' industry [Australian Financial Review, 01Sep01] A great summary of the gospel according to St. Jack as he looks back on 50 years in the industry and 25 years of indexing. A must read.
Efficient Frontier • Fall 2001 [Sep01] issue is now available. Good news: It seems the ETF gang can shoot straight after all. Bad news: Both war and peace could seriously mess up your financial plans. Dueling Wall Street Gurus, but Friends Too [NY Times, 02Sep01] A profile of opposites, Robert Shiller, who thinks "market declines ... will be common in coming years [and] that there is no guarantee that the United States and its companies will be as successful in coming years as they were in the past," and Jeremy Siegel, who believes "the stock market has been undervalued for almost two centuries, that stocks deserve higher price-to-earnings ratios than they have had historically, because many people now understand their benefits and because the economy is less volatile than it once was."
25 Years of Indexing [CNNfn, 29Aug01] A retropsective by Money magazine's Jason Zweig and an interview with Vanguard's indexing guru Gus Sauter. I don't know, I don't care [CNNMoney, 29Aug01] "With an index fund, you're on permanent auto-pilot: you will always get what the market is willing to give, no more and no less. By enabling me to say 'I don't know, and I don't care,' my index fund has liberated me from the feeling that I need to forecast what the market is about to do. That gives me more time and mental energy for the important things in life, like playing with my kids and working in my garden." Happy 25th for Vanguard 500 [CBS MarketWatch, 29Aug01] Paul Farrell summarizes the remarkable, yet stormy, history of the first index mutual fund. 25 Years Later: Original Vanguard 500 Index Fund Investors Stay the Course [Vanguard, 28Aug01] Some of the original investors in the first index mutual fund review their decision. [For more about money manager Ted Aronson's decision to invest his family's money in Vanguard index funds, see this interview.]
An Investing "Folly" Turns 25 [Vanguard, 23Aug01] Vanguard begins celebrations of the 25th anniversary of the first retail index mutual fund.
Words of wisdom from Vanguard's Saint Jack [Boston Globe, 19Aug01] Another interview with Jack Bogle. [See also this Morningstar conversation.] His advice to skittish investors:
A sucker is born every minute: Ask mutual fund owners [Globe & Mail, 18Aug01] Eric Reguly "gets it." Do you? [note: Dan Hallett of Sterling Mutuals points out that starting in 2000 fund companies have been required to include the 7% GST in their MERs. Could this alone (2.32% x 1.07 = 2.48) explain the increase? Stay tuned.]
Bylo rebuts Investment Café [15Aug01, The Fund Library] Pundit Steve Kangas, quoting Investors Business Daily, sets out to expose the flaws of indexing. Bylo sets out to expose the flaws in Steve's "exposé." New Dow Jones indexes should give ETFs more style [Globe & Mail, 14Aug01] Dow Jones is creating Value and Growth "slices" of its Canada Total Market Index, "which is similar to the TSE 300 composite index" and then plans to introduce ETFs based on them.
Stop Making Sense, Start Making Money [Wall Street Journal, 05Aug01 if link has expired, search Archive for "clements" then select Aug. 5] Much of life's "conventional wisdom" can be harmful when applied to investing. One example:
Here come the Bogleheads [Money, Aug01] Jason Zweig provides comprehensive coverage of the Vanguard Diehards II gettogether in June and our meeting with Jack Bogle at Vanguard headquarters.
Investors Cling to Managed Funds Despite Performance of Indexing [Wall Street Journal, 29Jul01 if link has expired, search Archive for "clements" then select Jul. 29] Jonathan Clements refutes several self-serving myths that the investment industry uses to promote active management over indexing.
How The Price You Pay Impacts Returns [, 26Jul01] Larry Swedroe examines historical equity returns following periods of high P/E ratios (or low equity risk premiums.) He finds it "very hard to see a scenario of high returns for large growth stocks when prices being paid for future earnings are so high." Mercer Bullard of Fund Democracy [Morningstar, 24Jul01] answers questions about mutual fund shareholders' rights issues. For more from Mr. Bullard, see Fund Democracy and his columns at That boring fund statistic is all about value for money [Globe & Mail, 19Jul01] It may be hard to ignore 2.5% MERs when equity returns are negative, but don't expect the fund industry to share in your pain. "Assets are increasing, but expenses are going up," Ms. Abboud wrote in an analysis. "Yet, instead of sharing at least some of this benefit with their unitholders, most fund companies tend to keep all the benefit for themselves."
Jason Zweig & Ken Myers Discuss Indexing [Morningstar, 09Jul01] From a conversation between journalist Jason Zweig and Ken Myers at the recent Diehards II gettogether:
Morningstar Celebrates John Bogle [Morningstar, 02Jul01] Links to many articles in appreciation of Vanguard founder Jack Bogle, who this week marks his 50th year in the mutual fund industry. See especially Russel Kinnel Speaks with Jack Bogle:
And the interesting thing is that nobody is denying my arguments about indexing and the industry’s failings. I don’t get calls saying, "You’ve now gone too far. Let’s have a debate, let’s have a town hall, let’s do it on television." Such an offer has never been made to me by another fund firm, although such an offer has been made to me by the way by sponsors of meetings. And I say, well, if you can get me somebody to debate with, of course I’ll do it. The phone doesn’t ring again, though, because nobody wants to get into the arena but me.
Kudos CIBC! [CIBC, 01Jul01] Starting with the period from 01Mar01 to 30Jun01, CIBC have started to pay quarterly MER rebates to investors who hold at least $150k in CIBC index funds in a combination of taxable, RRSP, individual, joint, etc. accounts. The accounts can even be held at different institutions.
CanDeal [27Jun01] CanDeal will provide a transparent, real-time market for trading in Canadian bonds and other fixed income securities. Retail investors will access the CanDeal system starting in the 4Q01 through most investment dealers. The initial market will be restricted to Canadian government bonds and T-Bills.
Taxes Matter [NY Times, registration required but free, 24Jun01] Taxes have a great impact on investors' net returns but most mutual fund managers simply don't care: Developing a long-term investment plan [Morningstar, 20Jun01] Discussion forum participant "El Toro" has created a wonderful summary of basic information with which every independent investor should become familiar. While this material is oriented to US investors much of it applies to Canadians as well. See also the latest instalment on using a Reverse mortgage to supplement income during retirement. The regulators save the day [National Post, 20Jun01] Provincial securities regulators "protect" Canadian investors from US discount brokers who offer dramatically lower stock trading fees and provide access to lower cost US mutual funds. Efficient Frontier • Summer 2001 [Jun01] issue is now available. Highlights include links to video interviews with Gene Fama, Ken French, Rex Sinquefield and other passive investing notables. Bogleheads Transcend Cyberspace [Morningstar, 14Jun01] Sue Stevens reports on Diehards II. See also Morningstar forum threads: 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 et al, as well as the photo gallery: 1 • 2. Vanguard scores with ETF share class [CBS MarketWatch, 14Jun01] Vanguard's Gus Sauter discusses the new VIPERs Total Stock Market ETF, how it differs from other ETFs and plans to introduce more ETFs. Is the S&P rigged? [Money, 13Jun01] Jason Zweig warns that the S&P 500 index committee, by eschewing profitable "old economy" stocks for overpriced high-technology stocks, have cost investors billions of dollars in recent years. Their money, their hero [Philadelphia Inquirer, 12Jun01] Vanguard Diehards get the opportunity to meet their hero, Jack Bogle, at Vanguard headquarters. Sorry to Spoil the Fun [Fortune, 11Jun01] Shawn Tully contends that the rate of growth of corporate profits is unsustainable. The only issue is, will the market correct catastrophically, or are we in for a lengthy period of meager equity returns? Stocks for the Long Run? [, 05Jun01] Steve Evanson cautions that the "long run" may be a lot longer than many people think. Moreover, the time when one enters the stock market can have a substantial impact on total returns. Equities -- not just the S&P 500 -- don't always outperform everything else.
Gaining Investment Wisdom From Neurologist in Oregon [Wall Street Journal, if link has expired, search Archive for "clements" then select May. 27] Jonathan Clements profiles Bill Bernstein of Efficient Frontier and summarizes his views about the roles of gold, indexing, global diversification and dividends in an investment portfolio. Wall Street's wisest man [Money, 18May01] Jason Zweig interviews investment veteran and author of Winning the Loser's Game, Charles Ellis. "Benign neglect is the secret to long-term investing success. If you change your investment policy, you are likely to be wrong; if you change it with a sense of urgency, you're guaranteed to be wrong." Greed and glory on Bay St. [Toronto Star, 12-13May01] "Holoday had swindled millions of dollars from clients, friends and relatives during a three-year romp. Police called it one of the biggest known frauds involving an individual broker in Canadian history." And he managed to do it right under the noses of his employers and industry regulators. Can you retire early? [MoneySense, May01] You may be able to retire sooner than you think. This set of articles helps you determine how much you'll need, what the government brings to your retirement party, and how to make it all last longer than you do. Portfolio turnover brings a tax hit [Globe and Mail, 12May01] Tim Cestnick cites a 1996 study that "showed that an average Canadian equity fund, with turnover of 80 per cent annually, would have to outperform a low-turnover fund by between 2 and 5 per cent before taxes annually over a 20-year period just to compensate for the taxes resulting from the higher turnover." More on the "Nortel disaster" [06May01] According to their website, Nortel closed on 03May01 at CA$24.45 per share. The split-adjusted share prices of Nortel 5, 10 and 15 years ago were $8.78, $5.17 and $2.61, respectively. The compounded annual returns over those periods, ignoring dividends, were 22.7%, 16.9% and 16.1%. For comparison, the TSE 100 index CARs, including dividends, were 11.0% over both 5 and 10 years ending 30Apr01 and 10.9% over 15 years ending 31Dec00. Some disaster!
Say It Loud: They're Average and Proud [Fortune, 30Apr01] A formula based on indexing, low fees, and the Internet could soon make Vanguard the largest mutual funds company on earth. The Twelve Pillars of Wisdom [Bogle Financial Markets Research Center, 27Apr01] "Lessons We Should Have Learned before the Bear Market Arrived, but are Only Learning Now." Jack Bogle's advice may be old, but it's ageless -- and its value is priceless. Jack Bogle inducted into Wall $treet Week Hall of Fame [27Apr01] Finally! Louis Rukeyser has inducted Vanguard's founder and chairman emeritus, Jack Bogle, into the Wall $treet Week Hall of Fame. Indexing Prevails In "Stock Picker's" Market [Vanguard, 20Apr01] Even if we're now in what Wall Street calls a "stock picker's market," the stock pickers have little substantive to crow about. Bogy Beaters: Index Funds That Edge Their Indexes [Morningstar, 19Apr01] Index funds managed by Vanguard's Gus Sauter have a reputation for actually beating the indexes that they're supposed to track. Sauter uses a variety of techniques, some of which are proprietary. 10 Questions With Financial Planner Frank Armstrong [, 18Apr01] The author of Investment Strategies for the 21st Century answers questions on a variety of investing topics. A wakeup call for fund investors [National Post, 17Apr01] Jon Chevreau notes that one benefit from the end of the bull market's double-digit returns is greater investor awareness of the importance of asset allocation, cost minimization, and industry transparency. A Tale of Two Markets [Vanguard, 16Apr01] John Bogle looks back on the creation and implosion of the NASDAQ bubble, reminds us that traditional stock market valuation models continue to apply notwithstanding the "New Economy," and urges investors to take a longterm perspective. Tax Tips for Fund Investors [, 11Apr01] Dan Hallett provides timely information on how to calculate tax owed on fixed income, stock and mutual fund investments. Why the Critics of Index Funds Are Wrong [, 06Apr01] Market downturns always seem to elicit renewed claims that indexing has failed. Here again are the standard rebuttals to the standard arguments. Ten investment axioms to live by [CBSMarketWatch, 06Apr01] Marshall Loeb provides 10 rules for achieving investment success. But he left out the most important one: Costs matter!
'Random Walk' author prefers bonds, REITs [National Post, 04Apr01] and Efficient Frontier • Spring 2001 [Apr01] issue is now available. It should disabuse those with the notion that the current market correction has brought stock prices down to a "reasonable" level.
Dear Bylo [29Mar01] Bylo answers your questions by e-mail. Ask away, but don't expect to get only the answers you want to hear. Misinformed Market Talk Abounds As Indexes Drift Further Downward [Wall Street Journal, Search on "clements" then select Mar. 25] Jonathan Clements exposes four myths that are now making the rounds, in particular, that investors are too stupid to do it themselves: Wall Street is the only business in America where it's considered perfectly acceptable to proclaim that your customers and potential customers are idiots. And right now, the bashing of small investors is at full volume. After the Fall: What's Next for the Stock Market and the Mutual Fund Industry? [21Mar01] In an address to the National Press Club in Washington, Vanguard founder John Bogle says that while the current bear market hasn't yet reached bottom, "it is a blessing because investors will be buying based on sound prices rather than inflated ones."
John Bogle to investors: Chill [CBS MarketWatch, 21Mar01] In an interview with Justin Wiser, Vanguard's Chaiman Emeritus advises investors to do what he's always advised them to do: Stay the course. Yes, fees are low but ETFs have some drawbacks [National Post, 21Mar01] One might conclude from all the attention ETFs have been getting that they're the perfect investment. Jon Chevreau warns that they also come with some significant disadvantages. Investors benefit from ascent of ETFs [Globe & Mail, 20Mar01] Rob Carrick looks at some of the challenges that ETFs present to the conventional mutual fund and financial advisory industries. Indexing the Total Stock Market [Vanguard, 15Mar01] Gus Sauter discusses the advantages of US total stock market index funds (in Canada, CIBC's US Equity index fund) and international diversification. He also emphasises the importance of portfolio allocation among stocks, bonds and cash in achieving one's financial goals at minimum risk.
"It is not that you cannot win" or beat the market, said Larry Swedroe, a principal of Buckingham Asset Management in St. Louis, Mo. "It is that the odds of winning are so low that it doesn't pay to play." ... "The evidence demonstrates that the costs of trying to exploit any anomaly or inefficiency have proven to be greater than the likely benefit," Swedroe said. "It is just a loser's game." ... Retirement Models That Let Reality Bite [Wall Street Journal, 20Feb01] Jonathan Clements discusses the pitfalls of using "deterministic" calculations to plan for retirement. "Probabalistic" models may be less precise but they're also more realistic and useful. Rumours of indexing's demise are greatly exaggerated [17Feb01] Nortel's fall from grace over the past few months has prompted many investment industry pundits to proclaim the failure of indexing. Let's put Nortel and indexing into some perspective, debunk the industry's self-serving investment pornography and see what lessons we can learn:
Myth: Nortel's fall is a disaster.
Myth: Nortel's effect on the TSE indexes "proves" that indexing doesn't work. Tax on windfall gain upsets fund investor [Toronto Star, 16Feb01] So you think S&P 500 index funds are inherently tax efficient? Then read how one such fund managed to make a 28% capital gains distribution last year while at the same time losing almost 6% in market value. Exuberance Is Rational [New York Times, 11Feb01] Roger Lowenstein profiles Richard Thaler, one of the pioneers of so-called behavioural economics, the study of why people often behave irrationally with their money. What "Nortel Effect"? [10Feb01] Last year the large cap TSE 60 and the broader TSE 300 indexes underperformed most actively-managed mutual funds. This was attributed to indexing's fallability when a single stock like Nortel Networks, (which at one point represented 45% of the TSE 60's market cap), dominates an index. But what happens when we look back, not one, but two years?
Performance of Index vs Active Portfolios A 15-year (ending 31Dec00) performance comparison between portfolios comprised of the median actively managed funds versus similarly weighted portfolios of indexes (minus an "MER" of 0.50%). How does your portfolio measure up? Overconfidence Can Take a Big Bite Out of Your Investment Returns [Wall Street Journal, 04Feb01] Jonathan Clements reviews behavioural finance research into investor overconfidence. Warning: Hubris may be detrimental to your financial health. [To access article, click on above link, search on clements, then select the item dated "Feb. 4".]
From The 'mating of high-fee dinosaurs' [National Post, 30Jan01] comes this disturbing observation: One unnamed advisor recalls a conference where U.S. fund executives marvelled at the high MERs of Canadian fund companies and their resulting profitability. "The Canadian mutual fund industry is the envy of the entire world," he said.Lessons to learn from all the Wall Street hype [Eastside Journal, 28Jan01] Bill Schultheis (author of The Coffeehouse Investor), interviews Larry Swedroe, (author of the new book What Wall Street Doesn't Want You To Know: How You Can Build Real Wealth Investing in Index Funds), about the lessons one can learn from the stock market's performance last year. Be cheap, retire rich [Financial Post, 27Jan01] When making financial plans for retirement be sure it's your retirement that you're providing for. Tracy LeMay and Glorianne Stromberg use a mutual fund fee impact calculator to drive home the importance of minimizing fund management fees. The Big Slice [Globe and Mail, 26Jan01] Daniel Stoffman shows how a mere 2% MER can eat a substantial part of your portfolio's returns. And that doesn't include such hidden costs as brokerage fees, bid/ask spreads and market impact. The lesson from all this is that mutual funds are an expensive way to invest. A major reason they are expensive is that the mutual fund industry sees itself as a marketer of financial "products" that have to be aggressively sold. The fund industry is one of the biggest advertisers on television. Most of that advertising is concentrated at the start of the year as the annual March 1 tax deadline for RRSP contributions approaches. What Can Active Managers Learn from Index Funds? [Bogle Financial Markets Research Center, Jan01] From Mr. Bogle's speech to the Canadian mutual fund industry last December: it's up to true investment professionals to place far more emphasis on the stewardship of the assets entrusted to them by their clients and far less emphasis on responding to transitory stock market trends and seemingly-compelling near-term marketing opportunities. There is a line between the profession of investing other people's money and the business of marketing financial products. That it is an invisible, subtle line, however, doesn't mean it is non-existent. And when we cross that line, we have a lot to answer for. A Better Way to Size Up Your Nest Egg [Business Week, 22Jan01] is a nice summary of why Monte Carlo simulations provide better projections than traditional, constant rates of return calculations. Read this before you read The Retirement Calculator From Hell, below. An aggressive twist on a passive strategy [National Post, 18Jan01] Rudy Luukko discusses new index funds and ETFs that target narrow market sectors or regions. But "If you believe in the philosophy of indexing, you should index the broadest market possible," says Ted Cadsby, president and chief executive of CIBC Securities. "Otherwise you're making a bet on different sectors or stocks." On where to index: "There aren't any markets where I would say: Don't index," notes Mr. Cadsby. "There's no market where you can say definitively that every active manager is going to beat the index." [A bit of a change from his book, The Power of Index Funds, where Mr. Cadsby contends that indexing doesn't work in small cap and less developed markets. :-)] Efficient Frontier • Winter 2001 [Jan01] issue is now available. In The Retirement Calculator From Hell - Part II, Bill Bernstein argues that under "new paradigm" assumptions, (real returns of 4.5% for stocks and 3.5% for bonds), sustainable withdrawal rates must be reduced and the weighting of bonds must be increased in order to maximize the chance of success. What Wall Street Doesn't Want You to Know: How You Can Build Real Wealth Investing in Index Funds [, 16Jan01] reviews the new book by Larry Swedroe and interviews the author. A Trip Down Memory Lane [Investor Solutions] Frank Armstrong reviews the returns of various asset classes over the past 30 years. He concludes that "while nothing is ever guaranteed in the world’s equity markets, a well-diversified portfolio has the highest chance of a satisfactory result over both the long and shorter terms." Callan Periodic Table of Investment Returns [ PDF, Jan01] is a comprehensive representation of relative asset class performance over the last 20 years. It depicts annual returns for eight asset classes, from 1981 to 2000, ranked from best to worst. Well-known, industry-standard market indexes are used as proxies for each asset class.