E*TRADE Canada FundPlus Program
The E*TRADE Canada FundPlus Program offers more choice to investors by providing access to a special class of mutual funds that do not pay a trailer fee, resulting in a lower Management Expense ratio (MER) and the potential for higher returns for you, the investor. For the first time, E*TRADE Canada provides self-directed investors the opportunity to realize the higher returns available through lower MER mutual funds.
The Management Expense Ratio (MER) is the percentage of assets that is spent to run a mutual fund. Because there are no trailer fees or associated with the distribution of this special class of funds, the MER is lower.
The typical annual return on the class of lower MER funds offered through the FundPlus Program can be about 1% higher than the traditionaltrailer-fee paying versions of the same funds, as a result of this lower MER1. Assuming annual compound interest, earning just an extra one per cent can increase the value of a $50,000 investment by over $5,000 in ten years!1
Lower MER funds, which have traditionally been offered in association with advice-based managed or wrap accounts with full service brokerages, are now available through E*TRADE Canada for a service fee of $26.99 for each purchase or sale.
Please see the Fund Families in our FundPlus Program below.
Fund Families |
1 Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Please read the prospectus before investing. Annual return estimates are approximations only based on general historical data. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their value s change frequently and past performance may not be repeated. Example provided is intended to illustrate the effects of an annual compound growth rate of 1% only and is not intended to reflect future values of a mutual fund or returns on investment in a mutual fund, nor does it account for any reductions in the amount invested, including potential decreases in the value of a fund, or any commissions, management fees and expenses, service fees or other deductions. Neither E*TRADE Canada nor its registered representatives provides you with any legal, tax or accounting advice or advice regarding the profitability of any security or investment or any decision in respect thereof, nor does E*TRADE Canada nor its registered representatives consider your financial situation, investment knowledge, investment objectives or risk tolerance when accepting orders from you. In making investment decisions with respect to transactions in or for your account(s) or any other matter, you will consult with and rely upon your own advisors and not E*TRADE Canada.
E*TRADE Canada and Power E*TRADE are services of E*TRADE Canada Securities Corporation (Discount Broker - Order-Execution Only Accounts), a member of the TSX, the TSX Venture Exchange, the Montreal Exchange, the Investment Dealers Association and the Canadian Investor Protection Fund. The E*TRADE Canada and Power E*TRADE services are offered in all provinces. E*TRADE, E*TRADE Canada, E*TRADE FINANCIAL, Power E*TRADE, Power E*TRADE Pro, the E*TRADE logo, the Power E*TRADE logo and the Asterisk Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of E*TRADE Financial Corp. or its subsidiaries and are used with permission. E*TRADE Financial Corp., a U.S. public holding company listed on the New York Stock Exchange, is the indirect parent of E*TRADE Canada Securities Corporation. E*TRADE Financial Corp. is also the parent of U.S. based E*TRADE Securities LLC and E*TRADE Bank, each a pioneer in digital and online
financial services.
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