

 If you pay taxes - buy index funds I [23-Nov-97]
 If you pay taxes - buy index funds II [02-Dec-97]

 TIPs/HIPs vs Index Funds - I [29-Dec-97]
 TIPs/HIPs vs Index Funds - II [28-Jan-98]

 Indexing vs. Active Management, Trimark Canadian [24-Apr-98]
 Indexing vs. Active Management [09-Aug-98]
 In Defense of Index Funds [23-Feb-99]

 Indexing In Small Cap and Emerging Markets [18-Mar-98]

 Researching Index Funds [24-Sep-99]

Indexes and Index Participation Units [May99] Here's a compilation of Index Participation Units (IPUs) that are available to Canadian investors, along with links to related index websites.

The Financial Post Indexes

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